Often times in life, the most important choices are also the most difficult ones. When it comes to protecting yourself, your family, and your future wealth, having the right local car insurance is not an option. A good first step in finding your ideal coverage is finding the right insurance agent. Continue reading to learn the importance of using and agent, as well as four questions you should ask them before making your choice.
Your Agent Should be Your Advocate
In an age where everything is available online, you might wonder why using an insurance agent is necessary at all. Though you can purchase coverage on your own, doing so is like giving up free advice from an industry insider who is licensed and committed to preventing gaps in your coverage and looking out for your best interests. You have someone you can go to for help when you need it, and a professional who can assist you when filing a claim.
Questions for Your Insurance Agent
Before you sign on the dotted line, be sure to run a few questions past your agent to make sure you are working with someone who is a good fit for you and your family’s needs.
1. Will you shop and compare multiple insurance companies for me?
How many insurance companies will your agent get car insurance quotes from? If you are working with a captive agent, the answer will be just one. To make sure you are getting a good value for the coverage you need, you will likely need more than one quote. Make sure you are working with an independent agent that is affiliated with multiple insurance companies.
2. Do you have a local office in the Clear Lake area?
Nothing compares to local service with small town hospitality. When you need help filing a claim or have an issue arise that affects your car insurance, you want to be able to speak with someone you know, face-to-face, not a different person every time you call a toll-free number.
3. What can you offer me besides great auto insurance?
Some agents are limited in the companies that can offer. Others may work independently, but they only offer certain types of insurance. While that may work for purchasing auto insurance, what happens when you need protection for your new home or your new business venture?
The question you might want to ask yourself is, why should I have to deal with multiple insurance agencies when I could work with just one independent agent, that offers multiple lines of coverage under one roof?
Remember, it is important to look for an agent that provides comprehensive service that fits both your current and future needs.
4. What happens after I purchase a policy from your agency?
How will your agent continue to serve you after you have selected your coverage? An independent agent can provide ongoing support as you need it, while also scouring insurance markets to ensure you continue to receive a great value for your coverage you require. If your current insurance company is no longer serving your needs and another company can offer you better protection, your independent agent can fill you in on the details and make it easy to switch companies, regardless of where you are at in your policy cycle.
Find a Local Independent Agent in Clear Lake
If you live in the Clear Lake area, finding an independent agent you can trust is as simple as contacting our office here at Lillie-Couch Insurance. We are a full-service agency dedicated to serving our customers – not the insurers. Call us today for an insurance consultation and to request your personalized local car insurance quotes. We look forward to serving you soon.